

Page history last edited by Vance Stevens 12 years, 5 months ago

Weeks 1 to 3 - Learn Prezi and make your first one

March 18-April 5, 2012


Weeks 1 and 2 - Complete Prezi tutorials

March 18-29, 2012


See an example Prezi here:


Instructions and Worksheet for the first Prezi tutorial: Get Started

See more: instructions for Day 1, Prezi


  1. Open this wiki at http://acommunication.pbworks.com
  2. Register with http://prezi.com 
  3. Play the LEARN/turorial GET STARTED
  4. Fill out the First Worksheet on Prezi (here) and give it (or email it) to your teacher
  5. Create your first Prezi
    1. (just START one)
    2. Title it INTRODUCTION
  6. Send the URL of your Prezi to vstevens@hct.ac.ae
    1. Send this mail FROM your HCT mail during the first class to get an A
    2. Send this mail FROM your HCT mail during the second class to get a B
    3. Send this mail FROM your HCT mail after the second class to get a C 


Download the handout for the first two weeks here

Download the answers to p.5, Dan introduces Emma, here


Instructions and Worksheet for the second Prezi tutorial: Next Level



Week 3 - Make your first Prezi

April 1-5, 2012


Instructions for your first Prezi presentation, Introduction

Download the handout for the first three weeks here

Download the revised (expanded) marking criteria for your first Prezi here

Download the marking scheme used by Vance to mark your Prezi from Viewpoints p.7 here


  • Complete the work on pages 2,, 3, and 4 of your textbook
    • Interview your colleague (p. 2)
    • Organize the steps (p. 3)
    • Listen to the CD to answer the last exercise on p. 3) 
    • Create your Prezi so that it is similar to the brainstorming mind-map on p.4 


Work ON YOUR OWN next class

  • complete pages 5 and 6 in Viewpoints
  • Use page 7 in your book to complete your first Prezi presentation 
  • Send an email with the URL of your completed Prezi
    • FROM your HCT mail to get an A on the assignment
    • TO vstevens@hct.ac.ae 


You can also enter the URL of your PREZI here to share it with the class



SEE PREZIS YOUR NC13 CLASSMATES PRODUCED before the deadline April 5


You can get no more than a B on this assignment if you don't send your teacher the URL TO vstevens@hct.ac.ae FROM your HCT mail.  HCT mail gives me your exact name, and shows me you can log on to your HCT computer and use the HCT network drive, which we may need later. Using other emails means you are not working within the system, your work might get lost, and if that happens, it is your fault, not your teacher’s. 

Also when sending in your work, please put your class and ID# in the subject line.


Class A


Abdelaziz Sultan http://prezi.com/pcjg-yhilrwn/abdelaziz-alkaabi/

Abdullah Mohammed Ahmed http://prezi.com/bakfglygmj4a/interduction/  

Abdullah Saif 

Ahmed Jasim http://prezi.com/dajv9phfbpsr/introduction/

Ahmed Mohammed http://prezi.com/tj4l1e-bbn3b/ahmed-alshehhi/

Ammar Khalid http://prezi.com/ny_ma6l5zfzx/my-friend/

Fahad Mohammed http://prezi.com/6ajv18zhvf-n/fahad-mohammed-almohammed/

Hilal Yousef http://prezi.com/eh_7zsvwbc1c/hilal-yousef-alnaemi/

Khaled Salem  http://prezi.com/6ozclny0dw6g/khaid-salem-almazrouee/

Mohammed Hatem http://prezi.com/_nyxumewu2h_/mohammed-alzaabi/ 

Obaid Saeed http://prezi.com/uwqbpteasygo/obaid-saeed-alseraidy/

Omar Abdullah http://prezi.com/aunub91wy7ky/introduction/ 

Osama Mohammed http://prezi.com/w2adg5vemnly/osama-alzaabi/

Saif Khalfan http://prezi.com/w9x4uqwob4-b/introduction/ 

Sultan Ghazi

Sultan Rashed http://prezi.com/clhcwvpbekkl/sultan/

Taresh Abdullah http://prezi.com/01oooejfgsb7/taresh/ 

Tariq Sulaiman http://prezi.com/rhcuzpxpvetl/my-first-prezi/

Waleed Ahmed http://prezi.com/iscpecv1qt8q/taresh/

Yousef Darwish http://prezi.com/xw2llzkth2sx/discrpition/

Zayed Ahmed http://prezi.com/jreszetv_bto/zayed-alshehhi/ 

Class B


Abdullah Ali: http://prezi.com/yddigbhybkog/introduction-abdulla-ali/

Abullah Mohamed Hasen: http://prezi.com/crbdscttai3h/2-introduction/

Abdullah Tareq: http://prezi.com/zt0d-f-j3ln1/introduction-abdulla-tareq-al-nuaimi/

Ahmed Ali http://prezi.com/i52swarzmyo4/introduction-ahmed-ali-alyalali/

Ahmed Mohammed: http://prezi.com/rcnssulcxrhv/my-class-mate/

Ali Khamis: http://prezi.com/aqevojs4nbua/introduction-ali-khamis-almazrouee/

Ali Mohamed: http://prezi.com/8h2ziauxrf5y/introduce-khmees/

Ali Sultan http://prezi.com/so_ujhlimu2x/my-name-is-ali-al-yammahi/ 

Fahd Khalid http://prezi.com/1e11ivltrgrm/introducing-yor-frend/

Fahem Hassan http://prezi.com/d-n-d7cwdbmi/descripe-friend/

Hamad Ali http://prezi.com/w02emrlafuqe/introducing-hamad-alnaqbi/

Hamad Obeid: http://prezi.com/js308ibe42xm/introduction-hamad-albaraiki/

Mohamed A. Al Seraidy: http://prezi.com/aldn3bsmyubb/introduction-mohammed-abdulla-rashed-al-seraidy/

Mohammed A. Al-Hebsi http://prezi.com/xhmyrxy4bafo/introduce-friend/ 

Mohammed Rashed http://prezi.com/7yp-oyaiumq-/introduction-mohammed-rashed-al-shebli/

Mohammed Saoud: http://prezi.com/bpnmuhhvpi_c/interrduce-my-friend/

Mohammed Yousef try

http://prezi.com/ojd5qzdlnaxl/my-name-mohammed-yousef-aldhuhouri/ or (blank Prezi, no content) http://prezi.com/lps5majsw0ts/my-name-is-mohammed-aldhuhouri/

Mohammed Yousef (unpublished Prezi) http://prezi.com/ojd5qzdlnaxl/my-name-mohammed-yousef-aldhuhouri/

Saeed Ateeq Sent a link to my Gmail address Apr 22 http://prezi.com/pcpwxcdiebaf/introducing-me/ (too late for marking)

Salem Musabah http://prezi.com/pkc1measmunv/introducing-your-friend/

Salem Saeed (submitted a link Apr 12 but not an introduction of a friend)

Sultan Musabbah: http://prezi.com/mwsxsfiw_uha/introduction-sultan-musabeh-alketbi/


Class C


Abdullah Mohammed Ali http://prezi.com/av_afwwzixug/introduction/  

Abdulrahman Ismail  http://prezi.com/vlgfjkmsbj2s/introduction/

Ahmed Mohammed Rashed http://prezi.com/nirvpbuuqatm/hamad-mohammed-el-seradi/

Ahmed Mubarak http://prezi.com/lm2gzce-7wic/my-freind/

Ali Ahmed Saif http://prezi.com/-nflhhjlnewf/i-will-introduce-naser/ 

Hamad Mohammed http://prezi.com/ugvuk29gtsze/i-will-talk-about-naser-alhebsi/ 

Jasim Ahmed http://prezi.com/gdgdvi9wpvhq/i-talk-a-bout-my-friend-naser-alhebsi/

Majid Ahmed Matar Al-Neaimi C http://prezi.com/vpboyy8rbsat/hi-my-name-is-majed-ahmed/

Majid Saeed http://prezi.com/kpenyf90hkci/i-will-talk-about-mohammed-al-mansorri/

Moath Ali http://prezi.com/krp5jc7j-zki/ahmed/

Mohammed Abdullah Hassan http://prezi.com/dsty_m4qqeyy/al-raeesi/

Mohammed Rashid Ali Al-Dhanhani C http://prezi.com/bgivtmupxsbu/about-my-friend-ali/

Mohammed Saleh submitted editing link; then sent this on April 23 http://prezi.com/cdrzmoers1t4/40544/

Naser Ali Mohammed http://prezi.com/b-1c2reo0rzu/i-will-talk-about-hamad-al-saridi/

Naser Ali Naser http://prezi.com/rqvqygvilwu4/ali-ahmed-al-jaberi/

Rashed Hamad Saeed Al-Kalbani C http://prezi.com/j9ngsc5q4wwv/introduction-about-abdullah/

Saeed Mubarak http://prezi.com/-ov3a7szoibt/classmate-introduction/

Saeed Rashed http://prezi.com/yyzhaknbu20b/my-friend-ali-saeed/

Salem Abdullah Hilal http://prezi.com/wdjkvagtclvs/alarsenal/

  In April Submitted this as well http://prezi.com/nodqkaamooz-/salem-alketbi/ 

Salem Abdullah Humaidi http://prezi.com/nodqkaamooz-/salem-alketbi/

Sultan Rashid http://prezi.com/_0re2x4ntyni/alkaabi/


Class D


Abdulateef Ibrahim

Abdullah Hamdan http://prezi.com/ikeso1czrqlq/introduction/

Abdullah Musabbah http://prezi.com/gutyyn5jozxf/introduction/

AbdulRahman Rashed http://prezi.com/5x8s--io63hz/interduction/

Hamid Ahmed http://prezi.com/hqb5dibe1pqi/introduction/

Hassan Ali http://prezi.com/isdvx8geuhcr/introduction/

Ibrahim Obaid http://prezi.com/1bw8boq05v3w/introduction/

Isa Mohammed http://prezi.com/g0x_zpsj9fpu/altenaiji/

Mohammed Ahmed http://prezi.com/g5phepts9sjy/introduction/

Mohammed Yousef http://prezi.com/0yhzj3f-ua0a/introduction/

Mubarak Mohammed http://prezi.com/rlnh4noh3_kh/intruduction/

Nasser Mohammed submitted editing link

Obaid Ahmed http://prezi.com/lbiuhnz8xwf3/introduction/ 

Omar Abdalla http://prezi.com/snauuqymtprb/introduction/ 

Rasheed Mohammed http://prezi.com/szoduz4utqob/my-frind/

Saeed Ali Ahmad http://prezi.com/loswvii7ndfx/introduction/

Saeed Ali Mubarak http://prezi.com/uiqhlpqe94cv/introduction/

Saeed Ali Saeed sent late: http://prezi.com/72bacc1uccyr/ahmed/

Saeed Salem http://prezi.com/3lr7_1hhbxvi/introduction/

Saif Ahmed http://prezi.com/kxpcjib6fxfc/my-friend-yousef/

Saif Ali Mubarak http://prezi.com/iwjcubl5hevm/introduction/

Yousef Khaled sent late: http://prezi.com/lb5ie6vjuxj2/my-frind/

Yousef Mohammed http://prezi.com/sg0gvpoc-fw9/my-friend-hamed/ 


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