

Page history last edited by Vance Stevens 12 years, 9 months ago

Weeks 4 and 5 - Make your Earth Day presentations

April 8-19, 2012


If you submitted a presentation, here



you can put the participant's Earth Day badge

in your blog :-)



Right click and Save Image As ...

  • to get a copy on your computer,
  • then upload it from your computer to your blog






General information on Earth Day




On April 19 you will have the opportunity to contribute to Earth Day 

with your recorded PREZI presentations 

Explore Earth Day April 19-22, 2012


Check out what other students have done for past Earth Days


See how Vance has spent past Earth Days:


Instructions for contributing to Earth Day April 19


Download the handout given to all students during week 4 here and the April 12 version here


Download the following instructions from Week 5 as a handout here


Use GOOGLE and YOUTUBE to get ideas! for a MOTTO or slogan

  • Google terms like 'motto' and 'slogan' and 'environment' and 'sustainability'.  Let Google autocomplete other terms like 'environmental issues'.  This will send you to sites like this one: http://www.thinkslogans.com/slogans/environmental-slogans/
  • Google 'sustainability' and 'environmental issues' with 'YouTube' to find thousands of videos leading to more and more ideas on environmental issues.


Put your motto and paragraph in a Google Doc

  • In a Google Doc write your motto and a paragraph explaining why you chose that motto and what it means in relation to Earth Day April 22.
  • Share this document with vancestev@gmail.com


Create your Prezi for the Planet

  • Make your Prezi to convince others that they should help protect the planet by paying closer attention to the issue highlighted in your motto or slogan
  • Include at least one but not more than two YouTube videos in your presentation
    (make sure the videos are in the Prezi path and will play) 
  • Include at least three pictures to illustrate the issue you are presenting.  
    State the main point each picture illustrates and give at details in smaller text about each picture.
  • Be sure your Prezi has appropriate opening and closing statements 
  • Email the link to your Prezi to vstevens@hct.ac.ae by April 19



Your project will be marked on the criteria given above

You can download the marking scheme your teacher will use here


See what your fellow students are doing for Earth Day


Class A

If you haven't chosen a motto yet, please make yours something OTHER than something other students have chosen

Abdelaziz Sultan http://prezi.com/kneecgr4uix3/abdelaziz-alkaabi-claas-a-id40400/

Abdullah Mohammed Ahmed   http://prezi.com/2zoxbxf2e6y-/keep-your-earth-clean-and-green/ 

Abdullah Saif http://prezi.com/djjrq6ruvaao/less-pollution-is-the-best-pollution/

Ahmed Jasim http://prezi.com/wk2i5qsybyy7/save-water-save-earth-save-life/

Ahmed Mohammed http://prezi.com/ldo6ftybxrnb/ahmed-alshehhi-40573-a/

Ammar Khalid  http://prezi.com/2yrnntz0mrnh/earth-warrior/

Fahad Mohammed http://prezi.com/2chrezy3s7qi/go-for-grean/

Hilal Yousef http://prezi.com/qqxspdhxuzcp/hilal/

Khaled Salem  http://prezi.com/0rdj-gyiy4uu/less-pollution-is-the-best-solution/ 

Mohammed Hatem http://prezi.com/-m4rwaogqj2v/clean-your-air-live-happily/

Obaid Saeed  http://prezi.com/kxxlkscgcva4/less-pollution-is-the-best-solution/

Omar Abdullah http://prezi.com/6wph7q7iatx4/make-it-green/

Osama Mohammed  http://prezi.com/h1q9keanxric/water-sustains-life-and-is-a-very-precious-resource/

Saif Khalfan http://prezi.com/okmteohz1l8g/saving-the-water/  

Sultan Ghazi http://prezi.com/wjqgcj0ut_k2/sultan-ghazi/

Sultan Rashed  http://prezi.com/lwk2pr6zuoq7/sultan/

Taresh Abdullah http://prezi.com/t1c777sexxvn/the-planet/

Tariq Sulaiman  http://prezi.com/nu2c3_nser1f/my-second-prezi/

Waleed Ahmed  Google Doc (good explanation) http://prezi.com/wosibd2kbsbp/waleid-seraidy-class-a/

Yousef Darwish http://prezi.com/yiomzxlkbrfl/less-pollution-is-the-best-solution/

Zayed Ahmed http://prezi.com/md2mbou-7gpm/save-the-earth/


Class B

Abdullah Ali  http://prezi.com/z25vxa50v5cy/introduction-abdulla-ali/  

Abullah Mohamed Hasen  http://prezi.com/2pjq-9trk4uu/save-water-it-will-save-you-later/

Abdullah Tareq  http://prezi.com/_2rfhj3vmay-/introduction-abdulla-tareq-al-nuaimi-b/ no HCT mail 

Ahmed Ali http://prezi.com/7x4aho3op5nd/intoroduction-ahmed-ali-alyalyali

Ahmed Mohammed http://prezi.com/eipygcwn1liw/its-the-only-the-earth-we-have/ 

Ali Khamis 

Ali Mohamed http://prezi.com/_stenxcpcjnj/nuteral/

Ali Sultan http://prezi.com/dmpyl8zaf4fi/environment-ali-al-yammahi/

Fahd Khalid http://prezi.com/xvtawpipw0m5/environment/ 

Fahem Hassan Google Doc EXCELLENT!

Hamad Ali http://prezi.com/mtlzehrvbwrx/introducting-hamad-alnaqbi/

Hamad Obeid  http://prezi.com/60bswkmsb1ff/introduction-hamad-albaraiki/

Mohamed A. Al Seraidy http://prezi.com/bftiks7zauej/mohammed-abdulla-rashed-al-seraidy-class-b/

Mohammed A. Al-Hebsi http://prezi.com/caiobnnhmaxe/less-pollution-is-the-best-solution/

Mohammed Rashed  http://prezi.com/oce27lcmfaah/savewater-save-life-mohammed-rashed-al-shebli/ 

Mohammed Saoud  http://prezi.com/ilz4mmrffi9l/environment-mohammed-aljunaibi/ 

Mohammed Yousef http://prezi.com/35mu0cpz4o6d/mohammed-yousef-aldhuhouri/

Saeed Ateeq  http://prezi.com/5lbnwdhzvuho/introduction-saeed-al-hameli/

Salem Musabah Google Doc (good, thoughtful work) http://prezi.com/l8x2qq4zmih_/global-warming-environment-issue/

Salem Saeed  http://prezi.com/vkbhuskxcdyr/introduction-salim-saeed-alhamoudi/ 

Sultan Musabbah http://prezi.com/_tkl6j2vqpqk/introduction-sultan-musabeh-alketbi/ 



Class C

If you haven't chosen a motto yet, please make yours something OTHER than something other students have chosen

Abdullah Mohammed Ali http://prezi.com/mi2wboa49cpl/safe-water-safe-life/

Abdulrahman Ismail http://prezi.com/3jebkhrhhqkl/abdulrahman-ismail-al-ali-40773-classc/

Ahmed Mohammed Rashed http://prezi.com/1pw3wrclhmhf/a-motto/ 

Ahmed Mubarak http://prezi.com/xtncerphyba9/my-motto/  

Ali Ahmed Saif  http://prezi.com/hzsclt3a9-pb/my-motto/

Hamad Mohammed  http://prezi.com/itmjva3pdxew/our-earth-our-happit-our-home/

Jasim Ahmed http://prezi.com/ukbg-txprryn/you-can-if-you-think-you-can/

Majid Ahmed Matar Al-Neaimi http://prezi.com/o_edywgid-cc/majed-ahmed-alneaimi-40464/

Majid Saeed http://prezi.com/8o9xrgey_m1j/my-motto-lets-go-green-to-get-our-globe-clean/ 

Moath http://prezi.com/2wd4bty1nl7o/save-water-save-life/

Mohammed Abdullah Hassan http://prezi.com/ikqaj9hi6pt1/my-motto/

Mohammed Rashid Ali Al-Dhanhani  http://prezi.com/hlnvjpfmhgzz/save-water-save-life-mohamed-rashed-classc/

Mohammed Saleh  http://prezi.com/9yhizluyqg_t/save-water-save-life/ 

Naser Ali Mohammed http://prezi.com/egbyft6kcbwj/our-earth-our-future-just-save-it/

Naser Ali Naser http://prezi.com/ua3tdkr8kvdb/my-motto/

Rashed Hamad Saeed Al-Kalbani http://prezi.com/a_k2hpc4s3er/introduction-about-a-motto/

Saeed Mubarak  http://prezi.com/owo-z67l7hui/save-water-it-will-save-you-later/ 

Saeed Rashed  http://prezi.com/bpek-y-976jg/save-water-it-will-save-you-later/

Salem Abdullah Hilal http://prezi.com/-dimvga8dk09/water-for-the-future-generationspriceless/

Salem Abdullah Humaidi http://prezi.com/b1nkbma2fimj/save-water-will-save-you-later/ 

Sultan Rashid http://prezi.com/rfhv9bi6lpxr/save-water-save-life/


Class D

Abdulateef Ibrahim http://prezi.com/oevx3h0hk7ch/save-water-save-life/

Abdullah Hamdan http://prezi.com/--dmmepiqexc/water-pollution/

Abdullah Musabbah http://prezi.com/b8prk9w1awnh/save-water-save-life/ 

AbdulRahman Rashed http://prezi.com/syu98qpexnw-/earth-day-april-2012/

Hamid Ahmed http://prezi.com/ix6xa3vuwyli/earth-day/

Hassan Ali  http://prezi.com/np8us_dafquq/earth-day/

Ibrahim Obaid http://prezi.com/e-u82bw5l5ku/earth-day-2012/ 

Mohammed Ahmed http://prezi.com/dik4j-ej5vyt/less-pollution-is-the-best-solution/ (no HCT mail) 

Mohammed Yousef http://prezi.com/1izwfrf_ocmj/earth-day-april-19-222012/

Mubarak Mohammed http://prezi.com/c4c6ceggfire/keep-your-earth-clean-and-green-recycle/

Nasser Mohammed http://prezi.com/qxevdbzo1l94/earth-day/  

Obaid Ahmed http://prezi.com/xa3ab77vwxey/motto/

Omar Abdalla http://prezi.com/zbmm0vcemaru/earth-day-april-19-22-2012/

Rasheed Mohammed submitted on April 26: http://prezi.com/nz-6clhzfmfy/save-water-save-life/

Saeed Ali Ahmad http://prezi.com/ni277tdmskn9/earth-day/ 

Saeed Ali Mubarak http://prezi.com/icsexuws2cus/save-water-save-life/

Saeed Ali Saeed http://prezi.com/qtpulc4joetu/save-water-save-life/

Saeed Salem http://prezi.com/xxzp8ktodckw/save-water-save-life/

Saif Ahmed http://prezi.com/9opzjg50l-yi/save-water-save-live/ 

Saif Ali Mubarak http://prezi.com/rt4yuxmhdiwc/save-water-save-life/ 

Yousef Khaled http://prezi.com/--naeb0r42p0/save-water-save-life/

Yousef Mohammed http://prezi.com/fojh4j8jd8qt/earth-day/


What we accomplished


I told the cadets they would be a part of an annual movement of students called EarthBridges who get hundreds of students together each year to commemorate the event and stream much of it live.  This year April 22 was on a Sunday, which was a problem for schools in much of the world, but we soldiered on, and added our contribution to that movement here: http://earthbridges.wikispaces.com/


I then joined a number of colleagues on the real Earth Day Sunday, Apr 22, 2012, who were participating in an online event over the weekend.  I invited colleagues (whom I’ve met only online) to join us and talk about their work with EarthBridges. We made a live recording of our contribution and archived what we did here: http://learning2gether.posterous.com/125618417


I created a Prezi to show how the whole thing came together:



I blogged it here with a picture of the event as it looked online




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