You can submit your PowerPoint for feedback up until Thursday Sept 6, 2012
After that (from Sept 9) LAST PowerPoint received will be marked (for your grade)
This page explains how you must prepare and present
Be sure and read THIS HANDOUT about the last 4 class periods
There is information here about
- is not working at the NC and so you don't need to upload your slides there
- Your last blog post: ePortfolio
Starting in Week 25, from September 3, 2012
You will present your final survey research project in class
This page explains how this project should be prepared and assessed
Tutorials, Handouts, and Examples
Create your PowerPoint
See how to do this here
Quick reference available via the Final Projects - Presentations page in the Sidebar ===>
for Weeks 24-26
Learn the FOUR C's of PowerPoint: Clean, Clear, Consistent, Creative
There is more information at
Make all elements in the presentation CONSISTENT
Here you can learn to animate your slides and apply clean, clear, and consistent style according to the rules of Good Presentations and the animation scheme described above.
- the first slide has NO ANIMATION or TRANSITION.
- All other slides have
- the same transition or transition pattern
- titles that animate WITH PREVIOUS
- bullets that EACH animate ON CLICK
- Pictures should animate consistently and with a previous event
- You will be marked on
- how your show follows the above criteria
- whether your presentation meets the Guidelines for Making Good Presentations
- design and clarity of your presentation
There is a checklist of everything your teacher marks in the marking rubric here
Create a PowerPoint slide show to present your results
- The slide show presents the findings from the questions from your Survey
- The slide show should be short, maximum 6 slides
- Title slide
- Reason for survey
- question 1 results
- question 2 results
- question 3 results, etc
- findings and conclusion from the survey
- conclusion slide
- It must follow the rules for good presentations
- It should have consistent animation effects as shown here:
- It should have a chart showing results for each questions generated by SurveyMonkey or Excel
Schedule your Presentation
Present your data in class
- Upload your slide presentation to
- Your teacher can download it from there and have it available in class
- If you wish you can submit a recorded presentation
- You can embed your recording directly in PowerPoint
- OR you can record your presentation in Audacity from
- You can also synchronize the voice recording with your presentation at
- Your work will be graded on this marking scheme
Language assessment
Your teacher will be listening to your presentation for language similar to Viewpoints pp.29-31
To review the language you should use to describe charts and data ..
Listen to HCT network drive / Student Collections / Viewpoints - Track 10, then, from
Page 29 -
- Use language similar to Exercise 2A, where you wrote one ORIGINAL sentence about the data in each of the charts #1-#4 on p. 28
Presentation Schedules
Class A - Next presentations Tuesday Sept 11
Class B - Next presentations Tuesday Sept 11
Class C- Next presentations Tuesday Sept 11
Class D- Next presentations Tuesday Sept 11
You can now find the following items under Tutorials, Handouts, and Examples in the Table of Contents at the top of this page
Here's a sample PowerPoint we can work with in class
Download the Final Project - Presentation marking rubric here
Here's a PowerPoint uploaded to
(Note, slides #2 and #3 here break the 6x6 rule,. Keep YOUR slides SIMPLE!)
The last week in the course
Your ePorfolio
- Create a NEW POST in your blog. Use the same blog you used before (not a new blog)
- Make your new post fit the NEW Guidelines (without Slideshare)
Download the handout here
- Send the link to your post to
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